søndag, september 03, 2006

Noen har eksamen 9 i morra tidlig...

...og har begynt aa lese paa musikknotatene vi fikk utdelt i foerste termin. Her kommer et utdrag fra Phillip Normans biografi om den new zealandske komponisten Douglas Lilburn, som faktisk skrev bra musikk (tro det eller ei):

A particular characteristic of Lilburn's harmonisation is the clear distinction made between his bass lines and his upper harmony. His bass lines move freely underneath, and often in contrary motion to, his upper lines, which frequently show evidence of parallelism. Lilburn overlaps changes of chord between the upper lines, the bass line and the melody. This particularly happens at cadence points, producing moments of bitonal tension before the cadential is finally resolved. In his orchestral music this tends to confirm that he did much of his scetching of musical ideas at the piano, for these two independent harmonic lines invariably correspond to the split between the left and right hands at the piano. It also gives rise to a most characteristic facet of Lilburn's harmony: that of the triad stated above a bass note not part of that triad.

Det der var omtrent 1/6 side. Hvordan i huleste er det mulig aa skrive ei hel bok i den stilen der? Verste med dette er at musikken baade hoeres bra ut og faktisk er ganske interessant, saa lenge man ikke leser dette! Herregud, det er slike boeker som gir klassisk musikk daarlig rykte...


At 10:09 p.m., Blogger Kiwi-88 said...

Jo, takk, det gikk faktisk ikke saa ille, selv om jeg ikke fikk bruk for det der. Presterte aa lire av meg 4 sider analyse av operaen Porgy and Bess uten egentlig noen gang ha sett den =)


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